After working in Design / Engineering / Marketing for many years,
I decided to go into the healthcare field like my brother who is a Chiropractor in Dallas. Massage allows me to help others and is very rewarding!
Massage License # MA 68465, Establishment License # MM42985.
Almost everyone loves to get a massage. You can add a foot rub and different scent of your choice, add Cupping to your massage, relaxes muscle tissue (adhesion or restriction).
If you make an appointment, please keep your appointment, if you need to cancel or reschedule, call 24/48 hours prior to your appointment or ASAP. Please be courteous to the therapist and other clients that want an appointment.
No texting, only phone calls.
Tips are accepted and appreciated.
Florida law requires each client is required to provide their government issued driver's license, complete a medical intake informed consent form listing all requested information. You must list your full name, address that is on your driver's licenses, phone number, date of birth etc. The medical intake form asks for your health goals, selfcare plan, personal medical information, medication, and supplements to make sure you can receive massage and to better assist the therapist to provide you with a custom massage that best meets your needs. Clients with special medical conditions will requiring doctors/chiropractor’s clearance such as heart conditions, will be required to bring a "Physician/Health-Care Provider's Permission" listing
Physician/Clinic Name:, Telephone number:
Patients Name:, and Patients Date of Birth:
Permission Granted to Providers Name: A Pure Massage/Mary Miller, LMT
Recommend Specialty/Type of Treatment: Massage Light / Medium / Deep / Lymphatic
Reason for Permission: There is no reason to believe that massage or bodywork treatment will harm this patient’s progress. However, please note the following considerations:
Description of condition:
Possible interactions with medications:
Areas of the body with any restriction:
Special instructions: No restrictions
Permission Granted by, Physician Name/Health-Care Provider's Name:
Physician/Health-Care Provider's Signature:
Telephone number:
Note: Please provide feedback to your practitioners of any unusual or significant changes in your condition so treatment can be adjusted as needed.
You are responsible for your health.
All special pricing must be mentioned when setting an appointment, before services are provided.
Note: Proper draping is always required! During your massage, with your consent your therapist will only uncover the areas of your body they’re working on, work may be done over the draping for better results.
Mobile massage available: Table (travel fee added) in state approved locations. If you request mobile massage, standard areas within 30 minutes from my location is a minimum fee. If the area is further away fee is increased. You must make me aware of any HOA rules that affect me being on property.
Example: Signage.
Note: I do not go to areas with no cellular service, areas not approved by law and open area must be large enough for massage table to fit with open walking area around the table. I do not go to hotels, motels, time shares.
(Must be in air-conditioned setting).
Requirement of client to make a prudent decision before getting a massage treatment:
Contraindications for massage: People that have any condition with “Thrombosis” blood clot disorders, Deep Vein Thrombosis, anticoagulant medications [blood thinners] like Warfarin, Uncontrolled High Blood Pressure or uncontroled Diabetes, Cancer radiation therapy, Scarlet fever, Strep Throat, cuts, any virus, Herpes Simplex I (aka cold sore/fever blister), Human papillomavirus (HPV), Body ringworm (Tinea Corporis), Hepatitis, MRSA. If you have a specific medical condition or specific symptoms, massage/bodywork may be contraindicated and you must inform the Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT). A referral from your primary care provider may be required prior to service being provided. It is your responsibility to list all medical conditions, medications, understand benefits, risks, contraindications associated with your medical condition and/or medications. You should understand the therapist’s limitations to provide complementary or alternative treatment and is not a doctor, nurse or Chiropractor. If you receive massage services, you approve with prudent decision the course of your treatment.